It is 11:00am on a school day and an estimated 55 million children in the United States are not in class today[1] Instead, over 90% of school-aged youth are hunkered down at home while their caregivers ask themselves, “Can I do this?” Right now, over 120,000 U.S. schools are closed—many for the … [Read more...]
Parents and COVID 19: Helping Your Children
COVID-19 (Coronavirus-19) now has spread across the world. This fast spread means information is also rapidly changing. Affected communities are going into isolation. Schools (including colleges) are closing, sports events are canceled, and other changes are happening at lightning speed. So, how … [Read more...]
Empowering Children to Approach Life with Bravery
Hannah, an eight-year old, had her ears pierced two months prior, and now had a bright red infection on her left earlobe. After taking out the earring and fully cleaning the mildly painful area, she anxiously and adamantly stated, “I am done with earrings. I don’t want them anymore!” This is a kid … [Read more...]
What’s a Parent to Do? My Child has a Food Allergy
You may not have known many children with food allergy a generation ago, but today as many as 5 million American children have a food allergy, which translates to about 2 children in every elementary school classroom! There are 9 foods responsible for the majority of food allergies: peanut, tree … [Read more...]
Call me, maybe? What to consider before buying your child a cellphone
When we – as parents – think about getting a cell phone for our son or daughter, it’s no longer a question of just getting them a phone – we are getting them a handheld computer/camera capable of just about anything. It’s a major decision that comes with major responsibilities for kids and … [Read more...]
Screen Time Tips for Parents
You thought raising TEENAGERs was tough, raising SCREENAGERs is even more challenging! A recent PEW Research Center Survey reports nearly 9 out of 10 teens themselves think excessive screen time is a problem, and 6 out of 10 say it is a major problem. At the same time, loneliness is … [Read more...]
Make Sleep a Priority: A New Year’s Resolution for the Entire Family
It is that time of year to make resolutions: eat healthier, exercise more, and spend more quality time together as a family. Have you ever considered healthier sleep habits as a resolution? Sleep is a pillar of health, as essential as eating, drinking, and breathing. This is true for every member of … [Read more...]
Let’s Talk about Bullying, not Bullies
When we refer to children as “bullies,” it implies there is an inherent and unchangeable quality to them. This can quickly lead to discussions about punishment and sanctions for the undesirable. What is needed instead is to identity bullying as an action that requires support for behavioral change. … [Read more...]
Discipline Shouldn’t be Punishing – for the Child or the Parent
Disciplining children is one of parents’ most important – and difficult – jobs. It is often easy for parents to lose sight of the fact that the goal of discipline is teaching children right from wrong; indeed, the word “discipline” comes from the Latin word disciplina which means … [Read more...]
Safety in Sports: Information for Parents About Concussions
Participating in sports can help kids stay healthy, develop social skills and teamwork, handle disappointment, and improve their overall mood. Despite these and other benefits, youth sports are not without risks, with a head injury as one of the most concerning. The CDC estimates that there are 3.8 … [Read more...]