There has never been a harder time to be a parent. There has never been a harder time to be a teacher. Surely there has never been a more confusing time for kids to begin a new school year. The last school year ended in-person learning abruptly, and it is not clear how learning or social progress … [Read more...]
Search Results for: covid
Parents and COVID 19: Helping Your Children
COVID-19 (Coronavirus-19) now has spread across the world. This fast spread means information is also rapidly changing. Affected communities are going into isolation. Schools (including colleges) are closing, sports events are canceled, and other changes are happening at lightning speed. So, how … [Read more...]
Signs of Caregiver Burnout, What to Do About it, and How to Overcome it
These days, being a parent/caregiver often means you are stretched too thin, overworked, and sleep deprived. Parents are often expected to juggle it all and place the needs of the family above their own. Many parents feel burned out, exhausted, and overwhelmed. A recent study of caregiver burnout … [Read more...]
Working with your child’s health care team: Communication tips for parents to help reduce stress
Whether it’s a yearly check-up with your pediatrician or an appointment with a new medical specialist (eye doctor, allergist, etc…), getting through doctor’s appointments for your child can be a challenge. During these visits, parents have a lot of responsibilities: taking care of and managing the … [Read more...]
Fall Transition to School: Time for a Wellbeing Check!
Congratulations, you made the transition back to school! By this time, your family is in a rhythm of learning and play. Youth (middle school and high school) may need additional support during the transition back to school. There is a public health crisis because young people are not receiving the … [Read more...]
Helping Children when They are Angry
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it a host of disappointments, and you may have noticed a spike in tantrums or acting out at home. Birthday parties canceled, no play dates, and stuck inside doing remote schooling! You may be surprised and a bit embarrassed by your child’s tantrums (or … [Read more...]
How to Stay Calm While Parenting through a Pandemic: Anger Management Techniques
Since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the parenting game has completely changed. You’re likely spending many more hours than before with your children, trying to balance your own work-from-home (or job search) and your child’s school-from-home at the same time. You might have … [Read more...]
Fostering Resilience among Parents and Children
During these trying times when we are all sheltered at home, everyone is interested in what psychologists call resilience – which means doing okay in the face of difficult times. These days, parents all over the world are concerned about how they can build resilience in their own children. This … [Read more...]
Helping Kids Stay Motivated for Learning During Social Distancing
It is 11:00am on a school day and an estimated 55 million children in the United States are not in class today[1] Instead, over 90% of school-aged youth are hunkered down at home while their caregivers ask themselves, “Can I do this?” Right now, over 120,000 U.S. schools are closed—many for the … [Read more...]